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Grapher 23
Technical Graphing Package for Scientists, Engineers and Business Professionals
Windows7Windows8Windows 10Windows 11
64 Bit


0. 關於 "alter.exe" 下載問題。原廠網頁連結(http://www.goldensoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1350)無法下載?ftp://ftp.goldensoftware.ws/public/utility/alter.exe

→ 需提供客戶序號,直接向原廠索取下載  [email protected]


2.我想用內建的圖形數化功能,數化影像檔BMP與我的研究做比較? 有;但只支援2點的直線座標 (影像檔不可歪斜) 先輸入影像檔BMP等 File -> Import -> 任何支援的影像檔,選取此物件後 -> Graph -> Digitizing -> Assignment Coordinate 輸入不共線的兩點座標 -> Digitize 開始輸入要數化的資料 ->存檔

3.我想數化Grapher的圖形,GRAPHER圖形線上的資料可否數化後輸出成檔案輸出? 當然有,有時候實驗的數值不是很漂亮,想看看離標準有多遠.先選取Graph物件 Graph -> Digitizing -> Digitize Fixed -> 開始輸入要數化的資料 ->把結果存成ASCII檔

4.Grapher 有自訂Curve Fitting函數的功能? 有 先選取Graph的線 -> Graph Properties -> Fits (Click here to add/edit fits) Define -> Equation -> Y = A+B*POW( X, C ) -> OK 注意:Grapher 不保證一定能收斂出您要的Function. 可能需要調整您的Initial Value

5.Grapher支援中文? Grapher並不支援中文 以下為原廠之官方說明. Grapher was designed to use English characters. Double-byte and 16-bit Unicode international characters are not supported in Golden Software products.

6.那我如何在Grapher中輸入中文? 請您先將中文變成影像檔 再用插入的方式

7.Grapher有網路版? 沒有

8.我是屏東科技大學學生,我的問題粉簡單主要有兩種 第一個: 我用y=x^3+x^2+1 -> POW(X,3)+POW( X, 2 )+1

9.我如何得到最新版本的Grapher? 本公司提供我們的客戶最新的補正版,請email您的資料即可

10.我一張圖內有眾多的的線如何選出我的線直接修改? 用Object Manager找要的線物件按下去,在圖形上會顯示出來

11.我一張圖內有眾多的的線如何命名每一條線? 用Object Manager/Rename Object

12.我如何設定對數軸? 用Object Manager找要的軸物件按下去,Axis Propertiess/Scale 選Log或Ln內建為Linear

13.我如何設定軸由大排向小? 用Object Manager找要的軸物件按下去,Axis Propertiess/Axis limits/Descending

14.我如何設定日期軸? 兩種做法一,繪圖開始時Grapher就選X軸為日期的欄位, 或是用Object Manager找要的軸物件按下去,Axis Propertiess/Tick Labels/Major Label Text/Date Time

15.每次都要設定軸等等瑣碎的資料,有沒有樣本檔案? 有! 存成.GRT檔

16.我畫了一個圖,但圖形沒有顯示出來? Grapher內的工作表一定是要數值或日期,如果您的欄位內函有文字,就會槓龜畫不出來.

17.Plot Label與圖形太靠近,可以每個Plot Label自由移動? 有Grapher 5提供此功能了,先選取圖形,Graph/Move Plot lable

18.Grapher 2,3,4 Script 與Grapher 5 Script是否相同? 99%相同.

19.Grapher可用於Win2000,Win XP? 沒問題,但如果是WinNT就必須有SP6,IE5以上

20.可以和VB,VBA,VC等程式語言相結合? 只要支援 Active-X 都可

21.如果對方沒有Grapher5,如何看到Grapher的結果? 可以用Grapher5的免費試用版,試用版不能印不能存,但能修改.或存成EMF,BMP也可

22.如果對方沒有Grapher3,4,如何看到Grapher5的結果? Grapher5可以存成Grapher3,4

23.如何計算曲線下的面積? 先選取圖形,Graph/Calculate Area.

24.如何計算兩曲線間的面積? 此功能需間接計算,兩曲線下的面積求出後相減即可.

25.我是做隧道設計工程,想把每個圖旋轉後置於相關位置? 先選取"整個"圖形 Arrang/Rotate

26.圖旋後的軸無法改變軸的長度? 是的,所以先不要旋轉,回復Graph/Clear Rotation,再改變軸的長度.

27.如何畫三角圖? 最好是! 三個欄位加起來是1即100%最標準,或是加起來100也可,不過任何數字都可因為最後都是以100%表現.

28.如何加三角圖的Plot Label? 先選取圖形Plot Labels/Display Labels/ 如果您想用不同的Worksheet欄位 /Use Worksheet 請問三角圖的軸可以定義0%-100% 及 0-100? Ans:可以請問三角圖的軸可以定義 50-80? Ans:不可以,最小一定是0,最大一定是100% 請問三角圖的軸可以定義 Log? Ans:不可以

29.如何旋轉3D圖形? 如何恢復旋轉前3D圖形? 先選取"整個"圖形, Graph/3D trackball ; 先選取"整個"圖形, Graph/Reset Rotation to Default

30.Curve Fitting及Function Plot數值如何輸出? 先選取"所要的"圖形 , Graph/Export Plot Data

31.我想要有更好用的數學符號? 建議您用MathType

32.我想畫Vector風向風速的向量圖? 可選向量圖

33.Grapher V4.0 在 XP上Spline Curve Fit 有時會當機? 很抱歉,可能是版本問題,V5.0就沒此現象.

34.統計之 Hisgram 可以調整Bin數量,及加Normal Distribution? 可以.

35.Grapher V7.0 之Polar Bar Chart之Bar width設定為何? 為100~5000000,若設為1時有可能會當機

36. Function Plot內的數值可以取出嗎? 可以Export Plot Data 36. 圖形內的數值可以取出嗎? 我的WorkSheet不見了可以Display Worksheet

37. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 兩組曲面? OK

38. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 曲面與點線圖? OK 但請注意座標為XZY不是XYZ

39. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 曲面與等高線? OK 但請注意座標為XZ 資料則相同XYZ

40. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 曲面與柱狀? OK 但請注意座標為XZ 資料則相同XYZ

41. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 兩組等高線? OK

42. 可以在一張圖內同時顯示 等高線與點線圖? OK 不過選XY Ribbon後,再轉為點線圖

43:我買了Grapher,請問為教學方便,有免費的試用版下載供學生做作業? 有


44: 開啟GRAPHER會出現WinWrap Basic 10?
You should not have to install WinBasic on their machine to  use Grapher. The Grapher download file includes all the necessary components and files for Grapher to run. I recommend having the user remove Grapher off their machine, rebooting it, and then reinstalling it. They should install Grapher as an administrator, have them right click on the file and select Run as administrator.



Scripts for Grapher


  • Auto3DBubblePlot.BAS– shows how to create a 3D bubble plot and how to change all the methods and properties.
  • AutoPolarBarChart.BAS– shows how to create a polar bar chart and how to change all the methods and properties.
  • AutoWindChart.BAS – shows how to create a wind chart and how to change all the method and properties.
  • axis properties.BAS– shows how to open a graph and alter an existing regular axis.
  • Bar Chart - Adjacent.BAS – shows how to create a bar chart graph, add a second adjacent bar chart, and change some properties.
  • Bar Chart – MultiColor.BAS – shows how to create a bar chart graph with each bar a different color by using a color table.
  • c++project.exe – shows how to call Grapher from C++.
  • change all legend entries.BAS– shows how to create a graph with multiple plots, add a legend, and change all of the legend entries to have similar properties.
  • composite export.BAS – shows how to create a graph with line plots and bar charts and export to a JPG file.
  • create line plot example.BAS – shows how to create a line/scatter plot.
  • CreatePlotwithDifferentY.zip – shows how to create a graph with multiple line/scatter plots where the Y column automatically increments to the next column.
  • example script.BAS – shows how to create a graph and change the properties of the line/scatter plot and the axes. Also shows how to add a legend that contains text from worksheet cells. Also shows how to export a graph to a TIF file where the TIF name is the same as the GRF name.
  • Fits.BAS – shows how to create a line/scatter plot and add various types of fit curves.
  • g3c++project.exe– Grapher 3 project for C++.
  • G4 Weighted Average Weights.BAS – This Grapher 4 script shows how to add a fit curve to a line/scatter plot and use the Send Keys command to add weighted average statistics.
  • hi-low-close.BAS – shows how to create a high-low-close plot and change its properties.
  • Legend properties.BAS – shows how to create a graph, add a legend, and edit the legend.
  • Legend_existing.BAS – shows how to open an existing GRF file and edit an existing legend.
  • Line Symbol Print PDF.BAS – shows how to create a line/scatter plot and print to the Adobe Distiller.
  • Lock all Objects in Directory.BAS - opens all GRF files in a selected directory and locks all items in the GRF.
  • MultiHistogram.BAS – user submitted script that shows how to separate a histogram for a range of columns.
  • multiple sheet.zip – shows how to create a graph from a multiple sheet XLS file and how to add a new curve from a different sheet in the same XLS file.
  • NULL criteria.BAS – shows how to create a line/scatter plot and use clipping to limit the symbols shown.
  • Open.BAS – shows how to open an existing GRF file.
  • Open_SaveAs.BAS – shows how to open an existing GRF file and save it to a new file name.
  • printallopenwindows.BAS – Prints all plot documents, worksheets, and grids that are currently open in the Grapher program.
  • print from directory.bas – shows how to print multiple graphs from a single template. All data files in a directory are used to create the graphs. Also shows how to export the graph to a GIF file and how to add the date/time the graph was created to the plot.
  • print with dialog.bas– shows how to print multiple graphs from a template. Files are picked using a dialog box.
  • print with file.bas – shows how to print multiple graphs from a template. Files are picked using an input file.
  • Rectangle.BAS – shows how to create a line/scatter plot and a drawn rectangle.
  • Resize Graph.BAS– shows how to copy a currently open graph to another Grapher window. Also shows how to resize the graph in the new window.
  • rowlabels.bas– shows how to create a graph, return and set the rows used for plot labels.
  • Select Polylines.BAS – shows how to select a polyline in an open existing GRF file and rename it.
  • text and values from worksheet.BAS – shows how to create a graph from a template and add information from the worksheet to the graph.
  • text_example.bas – shows how to create a text object and replace the text with new text.
  • textobject.BAS – shows how to create a new plot window and add multiple complex text boxes. These show how to use multiple lines, how to insert symbols, how to use bold or italic for a portion of the text, how to add the current date and time, how to change the font for some characters in the text string, and how to create a text string with user inputs.
  • Two Line Plot Graph.BAS – shows how to create two line/scatter plots on the same graph and alter the properties of one.
  • user dialog example -- text box focus.BAS– text box focus.BAS – shows how to create a user input dialog.
  • vbproject.exe– shows how to call Grapher from VB.
  • Weighted Average Weights.BAS – shows how to set the weights for a weighted average fit curve in Grapher 5 and beyond.